Global IPv6

  • Dedicated IPv4 & IPv6: For you, your home, your business…

    Let’s unlock the benefits of a Dedicated IP by helping users gain internet freedom by becoming service provider agnostic, providing them with a dedicated dual stack IPv4/IPv6 address and an IPv6 network. It’s internet freedom. Software defined, virtualized, over the top internet infrastructure helps you break free.

    Click here for more details.

  • Go IPv6: Scale, Save Costs & Be Network Agnostic

    Go service provider and RIR agnostic. Lease Global IPv6 that can be deployed on your infrastructure anywhere in the world; on any network/any public cloud without the need becoming LIRs or affiliates of Regional Internet Registries, thus avoiding costs and complexities.

    Click here for more details.

  • Lease IPv4: Simplify, Scale & Go Network Agnostic

    Become service provider and RIR agnostic. Lease Global IPv4 that can be deployed on your infrastructure anywhere in the world; on any network/any public cloud.

    Click here for more details.

Our objective is to help organizations gain internet freedom by becoming service provider and RIR agnostic, providing them with internet resources that can be deployed on their infrastructure anywhere in the world; on any network/any public cloud without the need becoming LIRs or affiliates of Regional Internet Registries, thus avoiding costs and complexities. Our team keeps a track of changing policies to ensure compliance and so that you focus on what you do the best, your business.

Go IPv6: Scale, Save Costs & Be Network Agnostic

Our Advantage

What is IPv6?

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers, tablets, mobiles, sensors on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. IPv6 is intended to replace IPv4.

The Internet Engineering Task Force designed the old IPv4 in 1981 to allow about 4.3 billion addresses, which seemed a lot at the time. But as the Internet exploded in size and importance, the IETF realized this address limit was a looming disaster, and designed IPv6. IPv6 increases this limit to a gigantic 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000 billion addresses. It also provides better mobility, efficiency and security options.

Today the number of connected devices in the world far outstrips the available IPv4 addresses, so Internet and mobile access now depends on expensive stop-gap measures. Most global networks are already IPv6-capable, but many smaller enterprises and users still need to catch up in order to benefit from IPv6.

340 trillion trillion trillion addresses - about 670 quadrillion addresses per square millimeter of the Earth's surface

Massive Address Abundance

IPv6 networks provide auto configuration capabilities. They are simpler, flatter and more manageable, especially for large installations.

Easier and Cheaper to manage

Direct addressing is possible due to vast address space - the need for network address translation devices is effectively eliminated.

Restores end-to-end transparency

Improved Security Features

IPSEC is built into the IPv6 protocol, usable with a suitable key infrastructure.

IPv6 provides interoperability and mobility capabilities which are already widely embedded in network devices.

Improved Mobility Capabilities

Given the numbers of addresses, scalability and flexibility of IPv6, its potential for triggering innovation and assisting collaboration is unbounded.

Encourages Innovation

Globally Routable IPv6

Lease Globally Routable IPv6 prefixes across multiple RIRs, without the need for multiple memberships, complexities and high costs. These can either be deployed on your infrastructure or the public cloud.

  • LoA, RoA & RPKI Certification

  • rDNS Configuration Support

  • Geolocation Updates

  • Price Consistency for 5 Years

  • Unused IP Address Blocks

IPv6 over Secure IP Tunnel

Managed IPv6 subnets for use in your network delivered over a highspeed Secure IP Tunnel. Become service provider agnostic, gain freedom. Choose from your nearest PoP location.

  • Access from 27 Global Locations

  • Dedicated VPS instance

  • 10 Gbps Network

  • Optional add-ons

Let’s Get Started

Present availability is in APNIC region. Other RIR regions going live soon.